Where do you provide officiant services?

I generally work within a 200 mile radius of my home near the Delaware shore.  However, I am willing to travel farther if travel and lodging reimbursement can be factored into our agreement.

I am open to being your officiant whether your ceremony is on the beach, in your backyard, on a boat or in a grand wedding venue.

What types of ceremonies do you perform?

Once I understand a couple’s vision, I will tailor the vows and ceremony to meet their goals.  I can provide traditional, modern, short or longer programs and I can include additional parts to the program, if requested by the couple, such as readings by friends or family, candle lightings, hand fasting, etc.  Ceremonies can refer to God or a religious deity, or be secular, with no religious reference.

I offer my services joyfully to all regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs, their sexual orientation, their race or ethnicity and am happy to work with interfaith couples.  

What are the specific areas for which you provide officiant services?

My work with each couple is customized and unique to their wishes and goals.  Here are the general areas I cover:

*Introductory conversation with the couple to understand their goals and details for the event.

*Helping them navigate the process for obtaining their license and filing their marriage certificate in the jurisdiction of the wedding.

*Preparing and receiving their feedback and input on the vows and the agenda for the ceremony.  (The means including any specific ceremony additions such as readings, candle lightings, hand fasting, etc.)

*Being present at the rehearsal, if requested.

*Conducting the ceremony and filing the signed marriage license with the appropriate jurisdiction.

How involved is the couple in this process?

The couple can be as involved as they choose.  Some couples prefer to write their own vows, while others prefer sharing their vision and having me draft vows that reflect their wishes.  I do ask that each couple spend some “upfront” time with me via telephone, virtually or in person (if possible) to work together so I can gather the information necessary to create a customized plan.

How much does this service cost?

The actual cost is based on the specific plan created for the couple.  For example, a thirty minute ceremony within driving distance of my home generally costs about $250.  Once I have  a good sense of what a couple requires, I will provide a written proposal which will detail my services under an inclusive price.